A commitment without a plan

I am making a commitment to myself (and any of my family or friends who happen to take the time to read this) to post a weekly weekend update on becoming active and building a community.

So far here is what I know about creating change…..

  1. It’s a completely overwhelming concept
  2. I have no idea how to go about this
  3. I am going to need help
  4. I sure as hell had better figure out something because our kids deserve better


Here is what I have done so far….

  1. Watched inspiring people giving Ted Talks on TV
  2. Told my husband I created this blog
  3. ??????

Somehow, I don’t think this level of action is going to cut it.  Am I the only one who doesn’t know how to change the world?  Ok,  forget about the world for a minute.  I’d settle for my own local foster care community.  Am I the only one that doesn’t know how to inspire and bring together my own community?